This exhibition is of photographs, drawings, notes and ephemera that have been found amongst the more scholarly material produced during the expeditions in Asia Minor of Sir Christopher Cox between 1924 and 1931, and of Michael Ballance from 1949 until the 1990s.
During their explorations, both these men took thousands of photographs, and produced copious notes, diaries and drawings, the greater part of which form the basis for current research projects in the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. Amongst the scholarly material collected, however, there was some of a more general nature, such as personal correspondence and diaries, photographs of the people and places visited, and items of equipment. This exhibition brings together a small selection of this material, of interest from a cultural, historical and anthropological viewpoint, revealing to us a fascinating record of early 20th century Anatolia.
Amongst the mountain of paper material in the archive, the few objects of interest that were found give us a further insight into the explorers themselves, the lives they led, and obstacles they encountered, on their travels.
Included in the exhibition are some of Michael Ballance's large collection of maps of the region, notably a series of Richard Keipert "Karte von Kleinasien", dated to just before or just after the turn of the twentieth century.