MAMA XI 32 (Eumeneia) 
Bilingual funerary inscription of Sitas
- Type of monument:
- Bilingual funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Koçak (Eumeneia): in a yard, in use as a mortar, said to have been brought from Işıklı.
- Description:
- Whitish crystalline marble block, broken right.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.82; W. 0.59+; Th. 0.65; letters 0.040-0.075.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/46).
- Publication:
- Drew-Bear 1978: 17-18, I 9 (AE 1978, 797; SEG 28, 1123; Kearsley 2001: no. 55).
- Date:
- Early first century AD.
C(aius) Aruntius C(ai) · [f(ilius)]
Vel(ina) · Arabus ·
Sitae · leiber[to]
Ἄραβος Σειτᾳ ἀπελε̣[υθέρῳ]
5Θεοῖς Ἥρωσι ἱερό̣[ν]
[D]eis Manibu[s]
C. Arruntius C.f. Vel(ina) Arabus, for his freedman Sitas. Arabus for his freedman Seitas. Sacred to the Hero Gods. Sacred to the divine shades.
For a full commentary on this text, see the editio princeps of T. Drew-Bear. The top right-hand corner of the stone had been further damaged by the time it was copied by Drew-Bear, and Ballance’s photograph shows a few extra letters at the ends of lines 1-5 (including Arruntius’ filiation in line 1). For Arruntii in Asia Minor, see Balland 1981: 143-67, with the additions of Christol and Drew-Bear 1986: 57-9 (Synnada, Temenouthyrai, Prymnessos, the Upper Tembris valley; Thyateira, Sardeis, Ephesos; Xanthos, Olbasa, Pisidian Antioch, Aspendos; Phazemon, Ankyra; at Traianopolis, MAMA XI 94 (1956/28); at Amorion, SEG 47, 1725; at Şereflikoçhisar, east of Lake Tatta, RECAM II 407). For a prominent family of Arruntii at Ikonion, see MAMA XI 313 (1956/142).