MAMA XI 81 (Sebaste) 
Funerary doorstone of Epagathos
- Type of monument:
- Funerary doorstone.
- Location:
- Dedeballar (Sebaste): in the wall of the school, said to have been brought from the cemetery.
- Description:
- White marble doorstone (Waelkens 1986: 181, Typ C Payamalan 1), broken below and right, embedded in mortar. Single door, with upper pair of blank panels visible. Pilasters to left and right with decorative capitals. Above, archivolt with fascia, shallow Lesbian cyma and moulding. In the tympanum, mirror and comb in relief. Inscription on the frame above the door.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.45+; W. 0.57+; Th. 0.15+; letters 0.013-0.015.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1955/123).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Early third century AD (doorstone type).
[Γ]άϊος καὶ Εὐμένης Ἐπαγάθῳ τῷ πατρ[ὶ]
μνήμης χάριν.
Gaius and Eumenes for their father Epagathos, in memoriam.