MAMA XI 92 (Traianopolis) 
Funerary doorstone of Philippos
- Type of monument:
- Funerary doorstone.
- Location:
- Çarık Köyü (Traianopolis): in a fountain on the north side of the village.
- Description:
- Triple doorstone of grey marble (Waelkens 1986: 144-5, Typ G Uşak 1), with spandrels and lateral pilasters covered with acanthus scroll-work. Above each door, archivolts with fascia and cornice. In the tympana: (1) eagle; (2) basket and vase; (3) lion. Each of the doors has a lock-plate in the upper right panel, and a lozenge enclosing a circular object in each of the lower panels. The upper left door-panels contain respectively: (1) stilus-case; (2) mirror; (3) four-petalled flower. The inscription runs round the fascia of the left archivolt and finishes on the capital immediately to the right of it.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.84; W. 2.21; Th. 0.30; letters 0.015-0.020.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/32).
- Publication:
- Waelkens 1986: 152-3, no. 386.
- Date:
- c. AD 150-175 (doorstone type)
Δαμοκράτης καὶ Ἀμμί̣α̣ Φιλίππῳ̣ υἱῷ μνήμη|[ς χ]άριν.
Damokrates and Ammia, for their son Philippos, in memoriam.