MAMA XI 143 (Pentapolis) 
Funerary bomos
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Koçhisar (Pentapolis): outside the mosque.
- Description:
- Limestone bomos, broken above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.50+; W. 0.35-0.45; Th. 0.34-0.43; letters 0.012-0.037.
- Record:
- Drawing; MB notebook copy; photographs (1955/46).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- AD 236 (Year 320, Month 12 of Sullan era)
[- - - - - ζῶν]-
τες vac. ἀ- vac. πη[ρ]-
τίσαμεν vac. τὸ
μνημῖον σὺν
τῷ βωμῷ μνή-
5μης χάριν vac.
ἔ · τ · ι · τ · κ´ · μη(νὸς) · βι´
ἰ δέ τεις μετὰ τὸν ἡμέ-
τερον θάνατον ἄλλο
βάλῃ, · δῷ · τῷ τα·μ⟨είῳ⟩
10(δηνάρια) · ͵α´ καὶ τῇ vac. πα-
τρί⟨δι⟩ (δηνάρια) · vac. ψν´.
...while still living, we finished the memorial and the altar, in memoriam. In the year 320, the 12th month. If anyone inters another after our death, he will pay 1,000 denarii to the fiscus and 750 denarii to our homeland.
For the verb ἀπαρτίζειν (‘finish off, make good’), cf. MAMA XI 7 (1956/103: Apollonia). Lines 7-11 (in a smaller script than that of lines 1-6) were added later in a different hand; the second mason omitted syllables at the end of line 8 and in line 11, possibly in error, possibly in order to fit the text of lines 7-11 into the space remaining. For the practice of numbering rather than naming the months in this region (line 6), see the commentary to MAMA XI 80 (1956/36: Sebaste); here, the order βι΄ rather than ιβ΄ is surprising. In line 8, understand probably (σῶμα) with ἄλλο. In line 9, the letters ΔΩ presumably represent δῷ, the aorist subjunctive of δίδωμι; the future indicative δώσει would be more usual, but cf. IGR IV 799 (Apameia), εἰ δέ τις ἄλλος ἐπιτηδεύσει, δῷ τῷ ταμίῳ δηνάρια λφ΄; BE 1987, 400 (two Athenian instances of the late form δῇ in similar contexts). For the confusion between aorist subjunctive and future indicative, cf. Brixhe 1987: 89-94.