MAMA XI 148 (Pentapolis) 
Lid of columnar sarcophagus
- Type of monument:
- Sarcophagus lid.
- Location:
- Kozvankuyucak (Pentapolis): re-used upside down as a trough by a well; by 1994 it had been moved to the garden of the Hudaï Kaplıcası near Sandıklı.
- Description:
- Sarcophagus-lid of grey-veined white marble, complete. Sculpted figures of husband and wife reclining on a kline (0.015m high), the husband behind, the wife in front, with sockets for separate portrait busts. Both figures lean on their left elbows. The wife grips in her left hand the corner of her himation, which droops forwards over the front of the kline. The husband holds in his left hand a half-opened scroll. On all four sides of the kline, depictions in relief of Erotes hunting wild animals (badly damaged). On the front face of the kline, three bands of decoration representing embroidery. At the centre of the front face, two Erotes hold up a bouquet (damaged); at the corners of the kline, the remains of large Erotes acting as quasi-acroteria, holding up garlands across the corners. Below, decorative moulding with dentils; three rectangular sections on each long side and one on each end left undecorated, to act as leverage-points while lid was lifted into position on the sarcophagus (Wiegartz 1965: 37)
- Dimensions:
Ht. 0.70+; W. 2.27; Th. 1.10.
Ht. 0.27; W. 2.00; Th. 0.84.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photographs (1955/44).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- AD c. 250-270.
This sarcophagus lid derives from a columnar sarcophagus manufactured at Dokimeion (Wiegartz 1965; Waelkens 1982: 68-101). The lid-type is entirely standardised, with sockets for the insertion of distinctive portrait busts; the portrait-busts survive on examples of the lid-type from Konya (Özgan 2003: 3-7, no.1, with Taf. 1-7) and Antalya (Özgan 2000: 365-76). For other well-preserved examples of the type, see e.g. Özgan 2003: 8-12, no.2 (Konya); Wiegartz 1965: 156-7 (Sidamaria), with Taf. 34a (especially close to our example).