MAMA XI 153 (Pentapolis) 
Funerary inscription of the bishop Leon
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Güre Köyü (Pentapolis): in the steps of a house; by 1994 it had been moved to the garden of the Hudaï Kaplıcası near Sandıklı.
- Description:
- Rough limestone slab, said to have been brought from Yanıkören.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.95; W. 0.85; Th. 0.060-0.100; letters 0.020-0.080.
- Record:
- Squeezes; line drawing; MB notebook copy (1955/30).
- Publication:
- TIB Phrygien 415, s.v. Yanıkören (mentioned only); Drew-Bear 2011; (BE 2011, 720).
- Date:
- AD 1059.
† ἐκυμύθ(η) ὁ δοῦλος
τοῦ Θ(εο)ῦ Λέον, ἐπίσκοπο(ς), ἐν ἔτι
γ(ε)ν(έσεως) ˏςφξζ´ μ(η)νὶ Φερουα-
ρίου θ´, ἡμ(έρᾳ) β´ †
Leon, the servant of God, bishop, went to sleep in the year of creation 6567, on the 9th of the month of February, on the second day of the week.
The 9th of February 1059 was a Tuesday (Lietzmann and Aland 1984: 8; 45), and hence we should have here ἡμ(έρᾳ) γ´ (the first day of the week being Sunday). Errors of this kind are not uncommon; Worp 1991 collects 26 weekday indications in Greek documentary texts before AD 700, of which no fewer than 12 involve conflicting data. Cf. also I.Apameia 59, with BE 1989, 939-40.
This inscription is mentioned in TIB Phrygien 414-5, s.v. Yanıkören: ‘Im Ort Grabstein eines Bischofs Leōn aus dem Jahre 1059, der aus der Ruinenstätte stammen soll’; it is published, with a slightly defective text, by Drew-Bear 2011, and is now (2011) situated in the garden of the Hudaï Kaplıcası near Sandıklı. The site at Yanıkören was first described by Hamilton 1842: II 167-8 (not noted by the TIB): ‘Foundations and heaps of building-stones were lying about in all directions; a large building on a low rising ground, extending from east to west, had perhaps been a church, but of rude and rough construction, and the circular bema at the eastern end was gone: at a short distance from it was a low tumulus, round which were the foundations and remains of a wall and ditch; it was apparently formed of the ruins of fallen buildings, and near it were a few blocks of white marble.’ Hamilton seems to have been the only traveller to have seen the ruins of this particular church at Yanıkören. The tumulus is also mentioned by Philippson 1910-15: IV 74 (‘Giovrek’, i.e. Güre); cf. also Ramsay, Phrygia II 623 n.1. The site is identified with ancient Lysias by Drew-Bear ap. TIB Phrygien 414-5, s.v. Yanıkören, and with ancient Otrous by Drew-Bear 2011.