MAMA XI 163 (Kidyessos) 
Funerary bomos of Zosimos and family
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Güney (Kidyessos): in a house wall.
- Description:
- Whitish marble bomos, broken above and below; upper moulding defaced.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.56+; W. 0.25; Th. --; letters 0.030-0.035.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/11).
- Publication:
- Legrand and Chamonard 1893: 273-4, no. 67 (‘dans le mézarlik’); Ramsay, Phrygia II 662, no. 623 (from a copy by J.R.S. Sterrett, 1883).
- Date:
- Second or third century AD.
ζῶν ἑαυτῷ̣
καὶ Ἀμμίᾳ γυ-
ναικὶ · καὶ
5Ἀμμιανῇ τέ-
κνῳ τὸ μν̣η-
μεῖον κατε̣-
[ἔ]του̣ς̣ [- -]
Zosimos constructed the tomb for himself and his wife Ammia and his child Ammiane, while still living. Year - -.
The stone has suffered some damage since it was first copied by Sterrett in 1883. Line 1 (ΖΩΣΙ) was seen only by Legrand and Chamonard, and line 9 (ΤΟΥΣ) only by Sterrett; otherwise the two earlier copies are confirmed by Ballance’s photograph.