MAMA XI 201 (Axylon) 
Funerary inscription for Matrona
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Kuyulusebil (Axylon): about to be built into a house.
- Description:
- Rough limestone or marble slab, broken at top left corner and on left side.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.62; W. 0.44+; Th. 0.15+; letters 0.020-0.030.
- Record:
- Squeeze; WMC notebook copy (1954/41).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- c. AD 212
[Αὐρ(ήλιος) (?)] Μιθριδάτης Α̣[. 1-2 .]
[. 2-3 .]ινου ἅμα τῷ πε[ν]-
[θερ]ῷ μου Διομήδους (sic)
[vv. (?)] Ματρώνῃ γαμε-
5[τ]ῇ Α̣ὐ̣ρ̣(ηλίου) Διομήδους Ζω-
[σ]ίμου τῇ ἐμῇ πεν-
[θ]ερᾷ ἀνεστήσα-
[μ]εν μν-
ῆς χάριν.
Line 5: Α̣ὐ̣ρ̣ added in a minuscule hand between lines 5 and 6.
[Aur(elius)?] Mithridates son of A...inus, along with my father-in-law Diomedes, we set this up for my mother-in-law Matrona, the wife of Aur(elius) Diomedes, son of Zosimos, in memoriam.
The name of Mithridates’ father cannot be restored with certainty (Ἀ̣[ντων]ίνου, Ἀ̣[κυλ]ίνου, Λ[ογγ]ίνου, etc.). The use of ἅμα with the dative in the sense of σύν+dative or μετά+genitive is a local linguistic peculiarity, characteristic of southern Galatia and the region around Laodikeia Katakekaumene: cf. MAMA I 60, 81, 176, 203, 281; MAMA VII 69, 74, 541, 542. Note the irrational genitive Διομήδους in line 3; hesitation between dative and genitive is extremely common in the funerary epigraphy of this region (cf. MAMA XI 230 [1957/4: Kulu]). For the woman’s name Matrona, see the commentary to MAMA XI 253 (1954/35). The addition of the abbreviated nomen Αὐρ(ήλιος) in small letters below line 5 probably indicates that the inscription was set up in or around AD 212, and that Diomedes had the text modified in recognition of his receipt of the Roman citizenship under the constitutio Antoniniana: for other similar examples, see Robert, Hellenica XIII, 233-4.