MAMA XI 204 (Axylon) 
Funerary stele for Manes and Lole
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Çeşmelisebil (Axylon): not recorded; next to MAMA XI 202 (1954/47).
- Description:
- Limestone stele, buried below. Vaulted pediment with male figure in toga (l.) and veiled female figure in stola (r.) in relief, right arm crossed across chest, left arm across waist. To the left of the male figure, incised depiction of uncertain object (plough?); to the right of the female figure, incised spindle and distaff, and wool-basket in relief. Tendril decoration in relief on the outer moulding of the pediment. Plain pilasters to left and right of shaft.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.35+; W. 0.54 (pediment), 0.47 (shaft); Th. 0.30; letters 0.030.
- Record:
- WMC notebook copy; photograph (1954/48).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Μανης καὶ Σο-
σος Μανῃ πα-
τρὶ μνήμης
χάριν καὶ Λολῃ
5μητρὶ ζώσῃ.
Manes and Sosos for their father Manes, in memoriam, and for their mother Lole, who is still living.
The name Σοσος (lines 1-2) is an orthographic variant of the extremely common east-Phrygian name Σουσους (Zgusta 1964: 473-5 §1463). The female name Λολη is characteristic of the Axylon, being attested at İnsuyu (MAMA VII 541: Αὐρ. Λολῃ), Büyük Yağcı (RECAM II 343: Λολῃ) and Mermer Yayla (MAMA I 336: Λολῃ).
The style and composition of the pediment (male and female figures with woolbasket in relief; tendril decoration on outer moulding) is very characteristic of the villages of the Axylon; compare especially MAMA I 294 (Atlantı), MAMA I 338 (Mermer Yayla), MAMA I 346 (Çeşmelisebil), MAMA XI 202 (1954/47: Çeşmelisebil); for the tendril decoration, see also MAMA XI 209 (1954/73: Azak [Hodoğlu]).
The monument was still visible behind the Belediye at Çeşmelisebil in April 2011.