MAMA XI 227 (Kinna) 
Funerary inscription of Aur. Eudemos and Aemilia Beronike
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Kulu (Kinna): in a cemetery on the east edge of the village.
- Description:
- White limestone block, buried above, broken below and right. Inscription in a plain recessed panel.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.52+; W. 0.40+; Th. 0.23; letters 0.050.
- Record:
- Squeeze; AH notebook copy; photograph (1957/2=5714).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third century AD.
Αὐρ(ήλιος) Εὔδη̣[μ]-
ος Πείσ[ω]-
νος καὶ̣ [ἡ]
τούτου̣ [γυ]-
5νὴ Αἰμ[ιλ(ία) (?)]
- - - - - - - - - -
Aur(elius) Eudemos, son of Piso, and his wife Aem[il(ia) B]ero[nike...]
The name Εὔδημος is also found in this region at Orkistos in eastern Phrygia (MAMA VII 304: M. Aurelius Eudemos); cf. the name Εὐδήμων at Vetissos (Sinanlı: MAMA VII 316; Waelkens 1986: 237-8, no.610). For the pleonastic τούτου in line 4, cf. e.g. SEG 37, 1072 (Nikomedeia): Αὐρ. Ἡράκλις Γαίου... κὲ ἡ τούτου γυνὴ Αὐρ. Ἀντωνίνα ἐποήσομεν κτλ. My restoration in lines 5-6 assumes that Eudemos’ wife carried the gentilician Αἰμιλία; cf. I.Ankara 185 (Μαρκία Αἰμιλία Ἀθηναίς). Αἰμιλία is also attested as a personal name in its own right in this region: cf. RECAM II 120 (Tutlu).