MAMA XI 236 (Kinna) 
Funerary stele for Doudou
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Yaraşlı (Kinna): in a yard.
- Description:
- Slightly tapered trachyte stele with round corner acroteria and vaulted pediment, broken above. Inscription in sunken panel on shaft.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.96+; W. 0.38 (top), 0.42 (bottom); Th. 0.20; letters 0.030-0.045.
- Record:
- AH notebook copy; photograph (1957/14=5726).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third century AD.
ος Υωδη-
ς ἀνέσθη-
σεν θῇ εἰ-
5δίᾳ ⟨ἀ⟩δε̣λ̣φ̣-
ῇ Δουδου
ης χ̣[ά]-
Aurelius Iodes set (this) up for his own sister Doudou, in memoriam.
In lines 2-3, I take Υωδης to be an alternative spelling for the indigenous name Ιωδας/Ιωδης, which is widely attested across the western fringe of the plateau: see Zgusta 1964: 206 §496, and the commentary to MAMA XI 203 (1954/46: Çeşmelisebil). For the indigenous name Δουδου see Zgusta 1964: 154 §306-6; MAMA XI 228 (1957/8: Kulu).