MAMA XI 240 (Kinna) 
Funerary stele for Threptos, deacon
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Yaraşlı (Kinna): in a yard, alongside MAMA XI 239 (1957/24).
- Description:
- Grey trachyte stele, broken above. Inscription in sunken panel on shaft, with herring-bone moulding above. Below the panel, large incised cross (Ht. 0.18; W. 0.09).
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.02+; W. 0.44; Th. 0.27; letters 0.030-0.040.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/25=5727).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Fourth or fifth century AD.
Αὐρ(ήλιος) Θεόδου̣-
λος σὺν τοῖς̣
εἰδίοις ἀ-
5τῷ εἰδίῳ
πα̣τρὶ Θρέ-
πτῳ διακό-
νῳ χάριν
Aur(elius) Theodoulos, with his own brothers, for his own father Threptos, deacon, in memoriam.
For the name Theodoulos, cf. MAMA XI 237 (1957/21), also from Yaraşlı.