MAMA XI 270 (Laodikeia) 
Funerary bomos of Aur. Paulina and Alexandros
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Ladık (Laodikeia): in the wall of the school.
- Description:
- Grey marble bomos, complete; buried below, chipped slightly above. On the upper moulding, between acroteria, a chi-rho monogram. Inscription on the shaft in inset panel (Ht. 0.58, W. 0.39), with simple zig-zag pattern on the moulding.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.33+; W. 0.71 (upper moulding), 0.59 (shaft); Th. 0.57 (upper moulding), 0.49 (shaft), 0.54 (base); letters 0.030-0.040.
- Record:
- Squeeze; MB notebook copy (1957/106).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third or fourth century AD.
Αὐρ(ηλία) Παυλῖνα
Φλα(ουΐου) hed. Ἀνικήτου
Ἀλεξάνδρῳ ἀν-
δρὶ μνήμης χά-
5ριν καὶ ἑαυτῇ
ζῶσα hed.
Aur(elia) Paulina, daughter of Fla(vius) Aniketos, for her husband Alexandros, in memoriam, and for herself, while she was still living.
The names are common at Laodikeia: cf. e.g. MAMA I 82 (Ladık: Παυλεῖνα Ἀνεικήτῳ υἱῷ); MAMA VII 26 (Kındıras: Αὐρ. Ἀνείκητος Ἀλεξάνδρου); MAMA VII 72 (Ise Bey Yayla: Αὐρ. Ἀλέξανδρος... Αὐρ. Παυλείνῃ συνβείῳ).