MAMA XI 275 (Northern Lykaonia) 
Funerary inscription of Domnos
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Oğuzeli (Akören) (Northern Lykaonia): by a mosque.
- Description:
- Limestone block with moulded border, broken above. Above the inscription, the base of an incised cross.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.05+; W. 0.82; Th. 0.29; letters 0.040-0.060.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line drawing; MB notebook copy (1956/158).
- Publication:
- Laminger-Pascher 1985: 273 (SEG 35, 1442).
- Date:
- Fifth or sixth century AD.
† ἔνθα
τε Δόμν-
ος υἱὸς Δ-
Here lies Domnos, son of Dometios Dynatos.
This inscription was published by Laminger-Pascher from an inaccurate drawing in the archive of the Tabula Imperii Byzantini in Vienna. For comparison, her text reads: ἔνθα | κατάκη|τε ἐ̣(ν ε)ἰ(ρήνῃ) Ὄκν|ος υἱὸς Χ|ομσ[ι]ρίο(υ) [ἰ]ς| [α]ἰῶ̣να. The provenance given by Laminger-Pascher, ‘Akvıran’, is an alternative name for Oğuzeli/Akören.
Ten inscriptions are known from Oğuzeli/Akören: apart from this text, see also MAMA VIII 288-95; Calder 1923a: 353 (ἐνθάδε χῖ|τε Εἰρήνη Χ|ρηστυανὴ μ|ήτηρ Εὐηθύου); I.Konya 46 (where the text should be restored Πλ[ο]υτίων [κ(ὲ) Κορ]νήλιος κ(ὲ) Θούριος | Τυράννου ὑοὶ Λέοντι | εὐχήν). A photograph of a Byzantine ambo staircase from Oğuzeli was published in TIB Galatien, Abb. 61. Most of the inscriptions from Oğuzeli (MAMA VIII 289-95 and Calder 1923a: 353) appear to date to the fifth or sixth century AD; MAMA VIII 288 probably dates to the third century AD, and I.Konya 46 may date back as far as the second century. The name Δόμνος appears in MAMA VIII 293, and the name Δομέτι(ο)ς in MAMA VIII 291 and 295; the name Δομέτιος also appears in two inscriptions from Obruk Han, a little way to the south (MAMA VIII 273-4).
Oğuzeli was plausibly identified by Calder with the ancient village of Anzoulada (MAMA I, p. xix; MAMA VIII 296; TIB Galatien 131, s.v. Anzulada), which we know to have lain immediately to the south of the village of Senzousa, at Toprakkale (MAMA XI 276 [1956/154]).