MAMA XI 277 (Northern Lykaonia) 
Funerary stele of Preioueis
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Zıvarık (Altınekin) (Northern Lykaonia): in the wall of a house.
- Description:
- Stele of greyish-white marble, broken above and below. Plain pilasters to left and right, with decorative capitals; on the shaft, veiled female figure in relief within aedicula. Decorative entablature supporting gabled pediment; inscription on the lower moulding of the pediment, continuing onto entablature.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.63+; W. 0.58 (upper moulding), 0.53 (shaft); Th. --; letters 0.030.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/153).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Τατα Πρειουει θυγα-
τρὶ μνήμης χάριν hed.
Tata, for her daughter Preioueis, in memoriam.
The decoration of the entablature and the layout of the inscription closely resemble a funerary stele from the neighbouring village of Zengicek/Koçyaka (MAMA XI 284 [1956/129]); the measured width of the entablature is also identical (0.58m), suggesting that the two stelai might derive from the same workshop.
The name Πρειουεις (f.) was widespread in Phrygia Paroreios and Lykaonia: see e.g. MAMA I 112 (Laodikeia), I.Konya 69 (Ikonion), MAMA VIII 83 (Lystra), Zgusta 1964: 440-1 §1305 (with varying orthography).