MAMA XI 281 (Northern Lykaonia) 
Votive bomos of Nearchos to Zeus
- Type of monument:
- Votive bomos.
- Location:
- Zengicek (Koçyaka) (Northern Lykaonia): in a yard.
- Description:
- Upper part of bomos with corner acroteria, broken below. Circular depression on upper surface; plain bosses between the acroteria on left and right, front boss damaged.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.30+; W. 0.38; Th. 0.34; letters 0.035-0.045.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photographs (1956/128).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Νέαρχος Δέ[κ]-
μ̣ου Διεὶ Τι̣[. .]
- - - - - - - - - -
Nearchos, son of Decimus, to Zeus Ti...
I have no plausible suggestion to make for Zeus’ epithet. For the name Nearchos in this region, cf. MAMA XI 326 (1956/161: Büyük Borukkuyu).