MAMA XI 282 (Northern Lykaonia) 
Votive bomos of Aelius Sosthenes to Dionysos
- Type of monument:
- Votive bomos.
- Location:
- Zengicek (Koçyaka) (Northern Lykaonia): in a house.
- Description:
- Grey marble bomos, complete; inscription on upper moulding; on shaft, vine with bunch of grapes in relief.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.68; W. 0.24 (upper moulding), 0.22 (shaft), 0.27 (base); Th. 0.19 (upper moulding), 0.15 (shaft), 0.20 (base); letters 0.015.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/137).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
[(?) Αἴ]λ(ιος) · Σωσθένη[ς]
[Δ]ιονύσῳ εὐχή̣[ν]
[Ae]l(ius) Sosthenes, to Dionysos, in fulfillment of a vow.
The restoration [Αἴ]λ(ιος) in line 1 is not certain, but cf. MAMA I 36 (Laodikeia Katakekaumene), Π. Αἴλιος Σωσθένης; I.Konya 63 (Ikonion), Πόπλιος Αἴλιος Σωσθένης.
Depictions of vines and viticultural implements are very common on the funerary monuments of Laodikeia Katakekaumene and the region to the east and north-east: see Waelkens 1977: 280-2, with 298-9, nn.49-53; 303-4, nn.73-6, and cf. MAMA XI 18 (1956/100) and MAMA XI 19 (1956/102: Apollonia). The cult of Dionysos is also attested in this region, at Sizma (SEG 34, 1395).
The modern village of Zengicek (today Koçyaka) is situated some 57km NE of Konya. Two kilometres west of the village, in the northern foothills of the Boz Dağ, lies a small Byzantine fortress (TIB Galatien 245, s.v. Zengicek Kalesi). A funerary inscription copied at Zengicek by William Ramsay in 1907 and published by Calder in 1924 was set up by a man with the ethnic Νονοκοκωμήτης (Calder 1924: 30-2; cf. Zgusta 1984: 426, §900); there is, however, no particular reason to identify Nonokokome with Zengicek.