MAMA XI 297 (Konya) 
Votive altar of Paulina to Zeus Salarameus
- Type of monument:
- Votive bomos.
- Location:
- Zencirli (Konya): in the right-hand jamb of the door of Zencirli hanı.
- Description:
- Creamy-white limestone bomos with moulding above and defaced relief on the shaft; buried below.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.72; W. 0.44 (upper moulding), 0.41 (shaft); Th. --; letters 0.025-0.030.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line-drawing; MB notebook copy; photographs (1957/18; CVC, 2011).
- Publication:
- Cronin 1902: 368, no. 141.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Παυλεῖνα Παυ-
λείνου θ⟨υ⟩γάτηρ
Δὶ Σα- λαρα-
μει εὐχήν.
Line 2: ΘΓΑΤΗΡ.
Paulina, daughter of Paulinus, to Zeus Salaram//eus//, in fulfillment of a vow.
Zencirli hanı is a large ruined caravansaray on the road which runs ENE from Konya over the Boz Dağ towards Obruk. The existing building, which contains numerous ancient spolia, dates to the eighteenth century, but it may have had a Seljuq predecessor: see Ramsay 1905: 415; Callander 1906: 170-1; Erdmann 1961: 195, no.70; Robert, Hellenica XIII, 72-3. On the basis of this inscription, an ancient village *Salaram//a// has been posited at or near Zencirli (TIB Galatien 220, s.v. Salarama). Three other inscriptions have been recorded at or near the han:
(1) MAMA XI 294 (1957/47: seen by Ballance at Tatlıkuyu (now Akbaş), but recorded by Sterrett 1888a: 226, no. 253, at Zencirli hanı);
(2) Cronin 1902: 368, no. 140: early Christian funerary inscription (κ(ύρι)ε βοήθη Τατην);
(3) Sterrett 1888a: 226-7, no. 254; Cronin 1902: 368-9, no. 142; Ramsay and Ramsay 1928: 185-6; (SEG 6, 445; Laminger-Pascher 1984: 104-7, no. 169; SEG 34, 1401): funerary inscription of Aelius Iulianus, set up by C. Aponius Crispus, IIvir of the Roman colonia at Ikonion (from a well just east of the han).
In April 2011, this inscription was still visible in the right-hand jamb of the entrance to the han; large quantities of ancient pottery were visible in the fields immediately to the west of the han.