MAMA XI 299 (Konya) 
Funerary bomos of Aelia Polla
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- İsmil (Demirkent) (Konya): in the cemetery.
- Description:
- White marble bomos, broken below (at front only).
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.75; W. 0.47 (shaft); Th. 0.45 (shaft); letters 0.040.
- Record:
- Line-drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/48).
- Publication:
- Pridik 1900: 25, no. 25 (non uidi); MAMA VIII 311; (Laminger-Pascher 1992: 116, no. 161).
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Αἰλίᾳ Πώλλῃ θυ-
γατρὶ Αἴλιος Ὀλυμ-
πιόδωρος ὁ πα̣-
τὴρ μνήμης
5 χάριν.
For Aelia Polla his daughter, Aelius Olympiodoros her father (set this up), in memoriam.
The modern village of İsmil is identified with the mediaeval Salimia by Tomaschek 1891: 89 and by TIB Galatien 220-1, s.v. Salimia; see also Drew-Bear 1987: 606 n.8. For references to the village in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, see Robert, Hellenica XIII, 72. Another inscription from İsmil the funerary inscription of Arruntius Philostorgos is wrongly attributed to Sille by Laminger-Pascher 1984: 87, no. 147 (cf. Drew-Bear 1987: 606 n.8, 607 n.4). Laminger-Pascher (1992: 113-6) classifies İsmil with the villages of Karapınar, Kesmez and Sekalesi under the heading ‘Die östliche Salzsteppe an der Grenze gegen Kappadokien’. In fact, İsmil lies in the south-east corner of the plain of Konya, west of the Boz Dağ; the salt steppe begins at Karapınar, 40km east of İsmil.