MAMA XI 301 (Konya) 
Funerary inscription of Aelia -lia
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Tömek (Konya): in the steps of the school.
- Description:
- Bluish marble slab or defaced stele, probably buried on all sides.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.85+; W. 0.60+; Th. --; letters 0.020-0.030.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line-drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/46).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third century AD.
[Αἴ]λιος Μενέδη̣-
μος καὶ Αὐρηλία Π-
ρειεις καὶ Αὐρήλι(ος) Με-
νέδημος ἀνέστ-
5ησαν Αἰλίᾳ Ι̣ΝΛ̣-
λίᾳ μνήμ̣ης χά-
Aelius Menedemos and Aurelia Preieis and Aurelius Menedemos set up (this tombstone) for Aelia ...lia, in memoriam.
The village of Tömek lies some 20km north-east of Konya, around 2.5km north of the beautiful Seljuq-era Sadettin (Zazadın) Hanı (Holzmeister and Fahrner 1955: Taf. 99-104; Erdmann 1961: 102-7, no. 28; TIB Galatien 220, s.v. Sadettin Hanı), where a large number of inscriptions have been recorded (Cronin 1902: 358-67, nos. 119-39; MAMA VIII 312-24; Robert, Hellenica XIII, 72), and which probably marks the site of an ancient village.
The stone on which this text was engraved previously carried another funerary inscription, which was very thoroughly erased; on the squeeze, the letters ΑΡΙΝ (i.e. [μνήμης χ]άριν) are faintly visible at the end of line 6, beneath the last four letters of the line. In line 1, there appears not to be sufficient space to restore [Αὐρή]λιος. The indigenous name Πρειεις (lines 2-3) is characteristic of eastern Phrygia and Lykaonia: see Zgusta 1964: 440-1 §1305.