MAMA XI 304 (Konya) 
Verse funerary inscription of Arestides
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele with verse inscription.
- Location:
- Zivecik (Ortakonak) (Konya): in a yard.
- Description:
- White limestone stele with steep pediment. Above the inscription, incised cross.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.80; W. 0.29 (upper moulding), 0.25 (shaft), 0.35 (base); Th. 0.16; letters 0.020-0.040.
- Record:
- Line-drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/51).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Fourth or fifth century AD.
(on upper moulding)
〚 [- - - - - -]ΗΡ〛
(on shaft)
ἐσθ᾿ ὁ θα-
νὼν ἀ-
δης γηρα-
The deceased, Arestides the aged, is worthy of good memory.
The inscription forms a fairly accurate hexameter, with the extra-metrical epithet γηραλέος added at the end; compare e.g. RECAM II 211 (Malos: Ἀγλαόμυρις μάρτυρος ἀθλοφορῆος ὅλον κοσμήσατο νηόν), a single hexameter with an extra-metrical personal name at the beginning. The stele appears to have been reused; an earlier inscription has been very thoroughly erased, with only two letters, eta and rho, visible at the right-hand end of the upper moulding. The name Ἀρεστίδης (lines 6-7) is presumably a patronymic formation from the rare name Ἄρεστος; both names are attested elsewhere in this region (Ἀρεστίδης: Sterrett 1888a: 198-9, no. 208, Ikonion; Ἄρεστος: Swoboda, Keil and Knoll 1935: 19, no. 20a, Fassıllar, eastern Pisidia).