MAMA XI 305 (Konya) 
Funerary stele of Zeudas
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Between Göçü and Sakyatan (Konya): at a well.
- Description:
- Grey limestone stele with pediment and recessed panel; broken above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.05+ (panel 0.48); W. 0.59 (shaft), 0.72 (base) (panel 0.34); Th. --; letters 0.030-0.040.
- Record:
- Line-drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/42).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Fourth or fifth century AD.
ἐν Χριστῷ Εἰεσι-
οῦ· πρεσβιτέρῳ
Ζευδᾷ ὁ ἀδελ-
φὸς αὐτοῦ ἀνέσ-
5τησεν ἰστήλην
μετὰ τῶν γαμρ-
ῶν αὐτοῦ μνήμ-
ης χάριν. εὔκο-
υ εἱπὲρ ἡμῶν.
In Christ Jesus. His brother set up this stele for the presbyter Zeudas, along with his relatives, in memoriam. Pray for us.
The mason originally omitted line 7, and had subsequently to insert it in smaller letters between lines 6 and 8. For the phrase ‘in Christ Jesus’ (lines 1-2), cf. I.Konya 202 (Ikonion), ἐνθάδε κῖμε ἐν Χρ(ιστ)ῷ Ἰ(η)σ(ο)ῦ. For the spelling πρεσβιτέρῳ (line 2), see Laminger-Pascher 1973: 18. The indigenous name Zeudas (line 3) seems otherwise to be entirely restricted to Isauria (Isaura Palaia, Astra, and the villages south of lake Trogitis: see Zgusta 1964: 178-9 §385); this appears to be the only attestation of the name from Lykaonia. (I have accented the name according to the recommendations of Masson, OGS I, 16 n.18.) For the prothetic ἰ- of ἰστήλην (line 5), see Brixhe 1987: 115-6. For the omission of beta in γαμβρός (lines 6-7), cf. Swoboda, Keil and Knoll 1935: 89, no. 242 (Isaura Palaia); MAMA IV 96 (Synnada); Ramsay 1887: 493 (Trokonda); SEG 40, 1230 (Upper Tembris valley); for discussion and bibliography, Drew-Bear and Naour 1990: 1962. For the characteristically Phrygian variation χ/κ (εὔκου, lines 8-9), Brixhe 1987: 110-11. For the request to ‘pray for us’, cf. TAM V 2, 1302 (Hierokaisareia), εὔχεστε ὑπὲρ ἡμν; MAMA I 258 (Laodikeia Katakekaumene); MAMA IX 557 (Aizanoi).