MAMA XI 329 (Perta) 
Funerary ossuary of Menodoros and wife
- Type of monument:
- Funerary ossuary.
- Location:
- Zulmandar Hanı (Perta): in the wall of a cemetery.
- Description:
- Gabled lid of a cinerary chest in greyish-white marble, with corner acroteria.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.20; W. 0.57; Th. 0.49; letters 0.035-0.040.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/138).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Τυράννου καὶ
τῆς γυναικός.
Of Menodoros, son of Tyrannos, and his wife.
The inscription appears to be complete. Zulmandar Hanı lies 6km ENE of Mernek/Karakaya (TIB Galatien 246, s.v. Zulmandarhanı). A dedication to Zeus Zemroutenos, seen by Anderson at Zıvarık/Altınekin (Anderson 1899: 281, no. 165), was said to derive from here; however, Anderson’s suggestion that the modern name of the han could be a survival of an ancient village name Zemrouta is fanciful. For the name Tyrannos in this region, see also MAMA XI 363 (1954/53: Kana).