MAMA XI 333 (Perta) 
Funerary bomos of Aur. Macrinus
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Giymir (Perta): about to be built into a house.
- Description:
- Grey marble bomos; back side left rough; the sides marked with guidelines indicating that, if finished, the thickness would have been the same as the width. Line 1 of inscription on upper moulding (defaced), lines 2-5 on shaft.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.74; W. 0.32 (upper moulding), 0.26-0.28 (shaft), 0.36 (base); Th. 0.37 (upper moulding), 0.32 (shaft), 0.37 (base); letters 0.025-0.027.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/171).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third century AD.
Αὐ̣[ρ(ηλι-) - - - - -]
Αὐρ(ηλίῳ) Μακρίνῳ̣
υἱῷ γλυκυτ[ά]-
τῳ μνήμης
5χάριν hed.
Aur(elius/a)... for Aur(elius) Macrinus, his/her sweetest son, in memoriam.
At the end of line 2, the omega is inscribed in ligature with the nu.