MAMA XI 355 (Kana) 
Votive inscription of Alexandros
- Type of monument:
- Votive inscription.
- Location:
- Gene (Beşağıl) (Kana): in the steps of a house.
- Description:
- A rough slab of red limestone.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.52; W. 0.95; Th. 0.20; letters 0.060-0.070.
- Record:
- WMC notebook copy; MB notebook copy (1954/52=1957/50).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
ος Δορυμέ-
νου Ἀριστέ-
ω εὐχήν
Alexandros son of Dorymenes, grandson of Aristeus, in fulfillment of a vow.
For the name Δορυμένης in northern Lykaonia, see the commentary to MAMA XI 284 (1956/129: Zengicek [Koçyaka]). I assume that Ἀριστέω (lines 3-4) should be understood as the genitive of Ἀριστεύς with loss of the final sigma; compare, in lines 2-3, Δορυμένου for Δορυμένους.