MAMA XI 369 (Southern Lykaonia) 
Funerary inscription of Ammoukis and others
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Losta (Akarköy) (Southern Lykaonia): not recorded.
- Description:
- Cornice-block, chipped at l., broken at r.
- Dimensions:
- Not recorded (Ht. 0.38; W. 1.63+; Th. 0.67; letters 0.030, MAMA VIII).
- Record:
- Photograph (1957/80a=5878).
- Publication:
- Paris and Radet 1886: 510, no. 21; Sterrett 1888b: 26-7, no. 26; (Robert 1937: 394-5); MAMA VIII 207; (Laminger-Pascher 1992: 46, no. 41).
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
[Λ]ο̣ύκιος ἀνέστησε Τήλεφον καὶ Μᾶρκον καὶ Σέξτο[ν - - - -]
[κ]α̣ὶ̣ ἑαυτὸν ἀετὸν καὶ Αμμουκιν Βαβοου hed. τὸν π̣[ατέρα]
[- - - vac. (?) - - -] v. ἀετὸν τειμῆς χάριν. v.
Line 1: Σέξτο[ν υἱοὺς ?] MAMA VIII.
Loukios set up the eagle for Telephos and Marcus and Sextus... and himself, and (another) eagle for his father Ammoukis son of Baboas, in their honour.
Loukios set up two or more funerary eagles to mark the tomb of his father and (presumably) his sons: cf. MAMA XI 372 (Kazımkarabekir: funerary lion). For the meaning of ‘to set up an eagle’, see Robert 1937: 394-7; Robert, Hellenica XIII, 72; Kubińska 1968: 61-3, and for the double accusative cf. e.g. MAMA VIII 308 (Arıkören: Laminger-Pascher 1992: 71, no. 67), Γουνδιανὴ Διοκλέους ἀνέθηκε[ν] λέοντα τὸν ἄνδρα αὐτῆς Νησιν κτλ. The eagle has nothing to do with Mithraism: thus, correctly, Metzger 1945: 232, n.35. Telephos is a common name in this region (Thonemann 2011b: 198 n.56). Zgusta 1964: 66 n.154 was sceptical about the existence of a name *Αμμουκις; however, it is also attested at Selinous in Kilikia, thanks to Beševliev 1964: no. 20 (Serdica), ἔνθα κατάκιτε Αμμουκις ἀπὸ Σεληνοῦντος; cf. Robert, Hellenica XIII, 175 n.2. For the name Βαβοας, see Zgusta 1964: 114 §133-7.