MAMA XI 375 (Southern Lykaonia) 
Funerary inscription from a sarcophagus
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Between Kaleköy and Karaağaç (Southern Lykaonia): in the foundations of a culvert just west of a Selcuk bridge.
- Description:
- Whitish limestone block, broken left, possibly also right and above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.83; W. 0.60+; Th. --; letters 0.045-0.055.
- Record:
- Squeeze; MB notebook copy; photographs (1957/69=5844-5).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
[- - - - - - - - - -] ΟΥΜΑΚΑΙΕ̣Ι̣Ι̣[.]
[- - τὴν σορὸν κα]τεσκεύασεν
[ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων ἀναλ]ωμάτων τῷ
[ (e.g.) πατρί · ἑτέρῳ δ]α̣ὶ οὐδενὶ ἐξέσ-
5[ται ἀνοῖξαι ἢ λ]είψανα εἰσ-
[βαλεῖν, ἢ ὑποκείσε]τ̣αι τῷ ἱερω-
[τάτῳ ταμείῳ (δηνάρια) π]εντακισ-
[χείλια. vac. ] vac.
...constructed [the sarcophagus from his/her own] resources, for [(e.g.) his/her father.] And it will not be permitted for anyone [else to open (the tomb) or to] inter remains; [otherwise, he will] owe 5,000 [denarii] to the most sac[red fisc.]
Line 1 presumably carried the name or names of the individual who set up the sarcophagus, probably for another family member (father, son, brother, husband). The term λείψανα (‘remains’) in line 5 is rather unusual in formulae of this kind (σῶμα, πτῶμα or νεκρός would be standard), and has a poetic air (MAMA VII 587; RECAM II 234, 392); cf. however MAMA VIII 327 (Akbaşyayla: Kutudelik Han, territory of Ikonion), τὸν δὲ κ̣ά̣τ[ω] οἶκο[ν ἐπιδέχεσ]θαι ὧν ἂν διατάξωμαι λείψανα (restoration uncertain).