MAMA XI 85 (Sebaste) 
Funerary bomos of Paithos and family, Christians
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Sebaste: at an ancient site, among rubble from the destruction of an early Christian church, between Pıyanlı and Balıkkaya.
- Description:
- Marble bomos, broken above, with defaced mouldings. On the left side, in relief, hammer and bill-hook; on the right, spindle, distaff and comb.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.74+; W. 0.27-0.28 (shaft); Th. 0.26-0.28 (shaft); letters 0.016-0.020.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/44).
- Publication:
- Fıratlı 1970: 120, with Res. 70 (description and photo only); Gibson 1978: 106-7, no. 34; (SEG 28, 1084; Tabbernee 1997: 176-9, no. 23).
- Date:
- Third century AD.
Μηνόφιλος καὶ
ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ
Ἀμμία Παιθῳ ἀ-
δελφῷ Χρειστι-
5ανῷ κὲ Ἀλεξαν-
δρία Παιθῳ ἀν-
δρὶ κὲ τὰ παιδία
αὐτῶν μνείας
χάριν ἐπύησαν.
Menophilos and his wife Ammia for Paithos, his brother, a Christian; and Alexandria for Paithos, her husband, and their children; they made this, in memoriam.
For this type of funerary monument (bomos with relief depictions of domestic objects), which is characteristic of Akmoneia, see MAMA XI 121 (1955/101). This monument was seen and photographed by Fıratlı at Eski Erice in 1970; it was later copied in the Uşak museum by Gibson, who (unaware of Fıratlı’s publication) attributed it to Akmoneia on the grounds of its decorative style. Sheppard 1980: 315 records (not quite accurately) that Ballance recorded its provenance as Pıyanlı; Tabbernee states incorrectly that Ballance found the stone at Payamalanı.
The name Παιθος also appears at Sebaste in MAMA XI 80 (1956/36), and seems otherwise only to be attested at Pessinous in Galatia (I.Pessinous 110). The name is understood to be indigenous by Zgusta 1964: 403 §1191, and by Strubbe 1978/9: 143. It may, however, simply be the Latin name Paetus with an incorrect aspiration (Strubbe 1978/9: 134-5; cf. Brixhe 1987: 110-13); the name Paetus is also attested at Sebaste (MAMA XI 66 [1956/34]).