Highlights of the Collection
On this page, you will find links to a few selected highlights of the MAMA XI corpus.
MAMA XI 1 (Apollonia): Honorific inscription for a civic benefactor, apparently granting lifetime cult-honours (first century BC)
MAMA XI 3 (Apollonia): Honorific inscription describing gladiatorial munera and wild-beast hunts (second or third century AD)
MAMA XI 36–42 (Eumeneia): Funerary bomoi from Eumeneia with various curse-formulae threatening grave-robbers (third century AD)
MAMA XI 72 (Sebaste): Latin funerary inscription of Ursina, wife of a late Roman army officer (AD 390)
MAMA XI 99 (Akmoneia): Honorific stele for Tatia, daughter of Menokritos, erected by ‘the Greek and Roman wives’ (AD 6/7)
MAMA XI 131 (Upper Tembris Valley): Votive stele to the goddess Meter Tetraprosopos, with decorative relief (Roman imperial period)
MAMA XI 145 (Pentapolis): Funerary bomos for Eutropios, a Christian freedman of a senatorial family (c. AD 200-250)
MAMA XI 173 (Kidyessos): Templon epistyle with images of local Phrygian saints (tenth century AD)
MAMA XI 206-208 (Axylon): Three funerary inscriptions in verse, all composed by the same village poet (fourth or fifth century AD)
MAMA XI 254 (Laodikeia): Official measures of length for craftsmen, perhaps reflecting the implementation of Diocletian’s Prices Edict (AD 301-5)
MAMA XI 292 (Northern Lykaonia): Sarcophagus of a ‘holy virgin’ from the Lykaonian steppe (fourth century AD)
MAMA XI 336 (Perta): Funerary stele of Victor, sculptor in wood, erected by his apprentices (fourth to sixth century AD)
MAMA XI 345 (Savatra): Verse-inscription commemorating a priestess of the imperial cult (first or second century AD)
MAMA XI 356 (Kana): Altar base with quote from Luke 20:34-6, produced by an Apotactite or Encratite ecclesiastical community (fourth century AD)