MAMA XI 106 (Akmoneia) 
Bilingual building inscription
- Type of monument:
- Building inscription.
- Location:
- Ahat (Akmoneia): in the stairs of a house near the river.
- Description:
- Architrave block, broken above and below.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.24+; W. 1.02; Th. 0.44+; letters 0.06 (line 1), 0.042 (line 2).
- Record:
- Partial squeeze; MB notebook copy (1955/108).
- Publication:
- LBW III 753 (CIG 3860 k 2; CIL III 360; Ramsay, Phrygia II 644, no. 542; CIL III 13658; IGR IV 662; Kearsley 2001: 167a).
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
[- -] v. redemptis a se d[- - - - - - - -]
[- -] v. σὺν τοῖς προσκε[ιμένοις - - -]
...having been redeemed by him... along with the contiguous...
This inscription originally formed part of the architrave of a monumental building. A second fragment of the same architrave was seen by Ramsay at Şaban, north of Ahat: Ramsay, Phrygia II 644, no. 542 (CIL III 7049; CIL III 13658; IGR IV 662; Kearsley 2001: 167b). A third fragment, recorded by Buckler and Calder at Kayılı, ought also to be assigned to the same monument (MAMA VI 333): the size and style of the lettering perfectly matches that of the Ahat fragment. The ordering of the three fragments is uncertain:
To all appearances, a benefactor has funded from his own resources (pecunia sua) part or all of a monumental complex near the agora of Akmoneia. Two buildings are mentioned in the text, a bath-house (alipterium, Gk. ἀλειπτήριον: Foss 1975) and a τρίστοον, a portico enclosing three sides of an open space (not, as Ramsay, Phrygia II 644, a ‘three-storied building’): for the term τρίστοον, see IGLS XXI/2, 23 (Philadelphia-Amman); IGR III 822, with Bean and Mitford 1970: 235-6 (Claudiopolis-Mut); compare ILS 5557 (Lat. triporticus). In fragment a, I assume that we have the end of an ablative absolute ( redemptis a se; Gk. ἀποκομισθέντων ὑφ᾿ ἑαυτοῦ vel sim.), referring to some property which has been redeemed or bought back by the donor. Compare ILS 6271 (Ferentinum), ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) fundos... ab r(e) p(ublica) redem(it)... et in auit(um) r(ei) p(ublicae) reddid(it); I.Kibyra 41.6, ἐγνεικήσαντα... κτῆσιν Κομ[. . .]ρα.