MAMA XI 113 (Akmoneia)
Church ambo
- Type of monument:
- Building inscription of an ambo.
- Location:
- Gedikler (Akmoneia): in a wall; said to have come from a site at a höyük between Gedikler and Öksüz.
- Description:
- White marble post, probably from the banister of an ambo. In the bottom, a dowel-hole; chipped above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.74; W. 0.13; Th. 0.115; letters 0.020-0.025.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/70).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- AD 1083/4 or 1089/90.
ἰ̣(ν)δ(ικτιῶνος) ζ´, ἔ(τους)
θ(εο)ῦ κε-
5ι ἐγέ-
ὁ ἄνβ-
ων ἐπ-
ὶ Μεν-
10ᾶ πρω-
ρου †
The seventh indiction, year 6598. The ambo was constructed on God’s command, when Menas was protopresbyter.
The creation-year 6598 corresponds to AD 1089/90, but this does not fit with the indiction date: 1089/90 ought to be the thirteenth year of the indiction. Hence one of the two numerals must be wrong; the indiction date, being the one more commonly in use, is perhaps more likely to be correct. On ambos in middle Byzantine Asia Minor, see Peschlow 1994; Sodini 1994; Dennert 1995; Niewöhner 2007: 108-16.