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Funerary doorstone without surviving inscription

Type of monument:
Funerary doorstone.
Saltık (Pentapolis): in a yard.
Doorstone of white Dokimeian marble (Waelkens 1986: 1889, Typ J Dokimeion), broken above. Twin door with four large panels; between upper and lower panels, and below the lower panels, two pairs of small panels with concave sides. In upper left panel, male bust in relief, defaced; in upper right panel, female bust, defaced; in lower left panel, comb and mirror, in lower right panel, wool-basket. Ivy-scroll pilasters to right and left. Left pilaster defaced; on the right pilaster, vine and grapes in relief.
Ht. 0.85+; W. 0.67; Th. 0.27.
MB notebook copy, photograph (1955/87a).
AD c. 225-75

The stone was recorded at Saltık, 4km west of Emirhisar, the site of ancient Eukarpia (TIB Phrygien 250-1, s.v. Eukarpia). For another Typ J Dokimeion doorstone from the Pentapolis, see also Ramsay, Phrygia II 700, no. 635 (Waelkens 1986: 185-6, no. 463, second quarter of second century AD).


MAMA XI 140 (Pentapolis 8: 1955-87a)

MAMA XI 140 (Pentapolis 8: 1955-87a)