MAMA XI 154 (Pentapolis) 
Building inscription of church of St John Prodromos
- Type of monument:
- Building inscription.
- Location:
- Karasandıklı (Pentapolis): in a stable; said to have been found near the mosque.
- Description:
- White marble moulding, perhaps the coping of a screen. The inscription is on the upper surface and may belong to a secondary use of the stone. Broken right.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.185; W. 0.93+; Th. 0.115; letters 0.017-0.030 (1955/37).
- Record:
- Drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1955/37).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Middle Byzantine period.
† Κ(ύρι)ε βοήθη τοὺς καλς κάμοντα(ς) τὸ ἔρ-
γον τοῦ τημήου Προδρόμου. †
Lord, save those who have laboured well on the work of the venerable Forerunner.
The building (τὸ ἔργον) referred to was presumably a church or a martyrion dedicated to St John the Baptist (ὁ Πρόδρομος, the ‘forerunner’).