MAMA XI 179 (Synnada) 
Building inscription of Engennetos the deacon
- Type of monument:
- Building inscription.
- Location:
- Anayurt (Alayund) (Synnada): in the wall of a yard near the cemetery.
- Description:
- Fragment of white marble moulding, broken left and right. To the right of the inscription, incised chalice (?).
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.13; W. 0.34+; Th. --; letters 0.017-0.026.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1955/25).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Sixth century AD.
[† ἐγ]ένετο τὸ ἔργον
[τοῦτ]ο ἐπὶ Ἐνγενήτου
[δια]κό(νου) κὲ ὐκονόμου
This work was constructed when Engen(n)etos was deacon and steward.
The name Engennetos is very rare. It is attested at Termessos (TAM III 939: Αὐρ. Ἐνγέννητος) and, in the feminine form Ἐνγεννήτη, at Perge in Pamphylia (I.Perge 445). The comparable name Καλογέννητος is attested at Beroia in Macedonia (I.Beroia 278) and, in the fifth or sixth century, at Corinth (Kent 1966: no. 560. The oikonomos of church property was chosen from among the clergy of the relevant bishopric; for deacons holding this office, compare e.g. I.Pessinous 40; Beševliev 1964: no. 171.
To the right of the inscription is an incised depiction of a vessel, perhaps a chalice. For incised depictions of liturgical vessels on funerary inscriptions of the sixth century AD, cf. Feissel 1977: 158-9 (two funerary inscriptions from Constantinople, and MAMA IV 94, a funerary inscription from Synnada dated to AD 570/1); see also perhaps MAMA XI 318 (1956/167: Perta).