MAMA XI 185 (Synnada) 
Memorial dedication of a ciborium
- Type of monument:
- Memorial dedication of a ciborium.
- Location:
- Bedeş (Kayabelen) (Synnada): in a house.
- Description:
- White marble slab forming part of a small arch, probably from a ciborium. The outer edges are moulded and decorated with an incised vine-pattern. Inscription on the moulding of the inner, curved edge; in the spandrel, an incised depiction of an eagle with raised wings. On the back, incised Latin cross and simple incised border. Broken below and left.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.54+; W. 0.67+; Th. 0.09; letters 0.035-0.040.
- Record:
- Squeeze; MB notebook copy; drawing; photographs (1955/20).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Fifth or sixth century AD.
[- - - ὑ]π̣ὲρ ἀφέσεω̣ς ἁμα[ρτιῶν - - -]
... for the forgiveness of sins ...
For dedications ὑπὲρ ἁφέσεως ἁμαρτιῶν, cf. e.g. Ramsay, Phrygia II 564, no. 458 (Akmoneia); MAMA X 326 (Kotiaion); I.Rhod.Per. 342 (Syrna); BE 1976, 271 (Lakonia); BE 1996, 602 (Vergina).
This monument is stylistically very close to MAMA IV 106 (Atlıhisar: territory of Synnada), a fragment of an altar-piece or ciborium, also with an incised vine-pattern and an incised depiction of a peacock. However, the mouldings and script differ sufficiently to make it clear that the two fragments do not belong to the same monument. For the type of monument, compare Niewohner 2007: 270, no. 359 (ciborium-fragment: territory of Aizanoi), with p. 195 and Taf. 41, and for the incised vine-pattern, compare Niewohner 2007: 292, no. 468 (Dümenli: territory of Akmoneia), with Taf. 59; MAMA XI 151 (1955/79: Menteş). See also MAMA XI 183 (1955/7).