MAMA XI 228 (Kinna) 
Funerary stele for Doudous
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Kulu (Kinna): in a garden, in a pile of building-stones said to have been brought from Yaraşlı (with MAMA XI 229 [1957/10]).
- Description:
- Tapered trachyte stele, apparently complete, perhaps broken above; back rough. Inscription in sunken panel.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.68+; W. 0.30-0.40; Th. 0.25; letters 0.030-0.040.
- Record:
- Squeeze; AH notebook copy; photograph (1957/8=5724).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third or fourth century AD.
ος Μεῖρο-
ς ἀνέσθη-
σεν τεῖ εἰ-
5δήᾳ σιν-
βήῳ [χ]άρι-
ν μνήμη-
ς ⟨Δουδου-
Aurelius Meiros set this up for his own wife, in memoriam: ⟨Doudous⟩.
For the spelling ἀνέσθησεν (lines 3-4), see Brixhe 1987: 110-3 and cf. MAMA XI 230 (1957/4); MAMA XI 236 (1957/14). The word order in lines 6-9 is very odd, and the final word, the indigenous woman’s name Δουδου(ς) (see Zgusta 1964: 154 §306-6; MAMA XI 236 [1957/14: Yaraşlı]), seems to be inscribed in a different hand; presumably it was accidentally omitted from the original inscription.