MAMA XI 249 (Kinna) 
Votive bomos set up by a village to Zeus Megistos
- Type of monument:
- Votive bomos.
- Location:
- Canımana (Kinna): in the foundations of the mosque.
- Description:
- Grey limestone bomos, apparently complete. Round boss in the centre of the upper moulding, with plain corner acroteria. Line 1 of inscription on upper moulding, remainder on shaft. Most of the face of the shaft concealed.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.45; W. 0.60 (upper moulding), 0.51 (shaft); Th. 0.53 (shaft); letters 0.035.
- Record:
- Squeeze; MB notebook copy; photographs (1957/33=5748).
- Publication:
- S. Mitchell, RECAM II 295 (text only, from a 1910 copy by W. M. Calder).
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Α̣ΡΚ̣ΗΝΩΝ δῆμος ἀνέ̣σ̣τη-
σαν Δεὶ Μεγίστῳ εὐχήν·
Ἀσκληπιὸς Πολυκράτης.
Κάρ⟨π⟩ου Διονυσίου
Line 1: Ἀρεηνῶν C(alder). Lines 3-4: C.
Line 4: Καρίου C., Mitchell.
The demos of the Arkenoi (?) set this up to Zeus Megistos, in fulfilment of a vow. Asklepios son of Kar⟨p⟩os, Polykrates son of Dionysios.
This stone was previously copied at Canımana by W. M. Calder in 1910, whence it was published in I. W. Macpherson’s 1958 Cambridge PhD thesis, New Evidence for the Historical Geography of Galatia (non uidi), p.159, and subsequently by S. Mitchell in RECAM II (from Macpherson’s text). By 1957, the stone had been built into the foundations of the mosque at Canımana, and Ballance was only able to read the upper two lines. In most respects, Ballance’s photograph and squeeze confirm Calder’s readings; at the start of line 1, Α̣ΡΚ̣ΗΝΩΝ seems to be a more likely reading than Α̣ΡΕ̣ΗΝΩΝ. For a hypothetical village community (ὁ) *Αρκηνῶν δῆμος, cf. MAMA IV 251 (Tymandos), [Ἀ]ρτέμων Διοδώρου Ἀρκηνός.
In RECAM II, Mitchell translated lines 3-4 ‘Asklepios Polykrates son of Karios Dionysios (was responsible)’. However, double names of this kind are relatively unusual in inner Anatolia, and it is probably better to assume that the two names in the genitive in line 4 should each be taken with the name in the nominative that stands immediately above them in line 3, i.e. Ἀσκληπιὸς Καρίου / Πολυκράτης Διονυσίου. This interpretation receives strong confirmation from MAMA XI 248 (1957/15), a second votive bomos to Zeus Megistos from the village of Canımana. MAMA XI 248 was set up by a certain [Κά]ρπος Μανου, either ‘for’, ‘with’ or ‘on behalf of’ his son Asklepios. A personal name *Κάριος, read by Calder in line 4 of our inscription, would be unparalleled anywhere else in the Greek world, and it is highly tempting to assume that the same Asklepios son of Karpos is being referred to in both texts. I have therefore corrected Calder’s reading in line 4 to Κάρ⟨π⟩ου.