MAMA XI 273 (Laodikeia) 
Funerary inscription of Ianuarius, presbyter
- Type of monument:
- Funerary inscription.
- Location:
- Nevine (Bahçesaray) (Laodikeia): in a fountain.
- Description:
- Blue and white marble slab with inset panel; centre of panel cut out to form a basin for the fountain.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.00; W. 1.10; Th. 0.38; letters 0.020-0.035.
- Record:
- Squeeze; AH notebook copy (1957/84).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Fourth century AD.
πένται μὲν [οἱ] κασίγνη-
τοι{ο}, δύο τε θυ̣[γα]τρές, Διομή-
δης Ἀλέξανδρο[ς Μ]ᾶρκος Εὐγέ-
νιος καὶ Τειμόθεο[ς, Με]ί̣ρα καὶ Νοννα
5Εἰανουαρίου Ἀλεξ[άνδρου τοῦ] πρεσβυτέ-
ρου, πατρίδο[ς - c.6-8 - κα]ὶ ἄλοχο-
ς τοὔνομα ΟΜ[- c.10-12 - τ]ὸν γε-
ραρὸν διὰ τῆς [- c.11-13 -] μνή-
μης ἕνεκεν.
The five brothers and two daughters, Diomedes, Alexandros, Marcus, Eugenios and Teimotheos, Meira and Nonna, (children of) Ianuarius son of Alexandros, the presbyter, native of..., and his wife, whose name was..., the reverend..., in memoriam.
For the Roman name Ianuarius in inner Anatolia, see the commentary to MAMA XI 230 (1957/4: Kinna), and cf. 261 (1957/83: Nevine [Bahçesaray]).