MAMA XI 306 (Perta)
Honorific statue-base for Flavius Archelaos
- Type of monument:
- Honorific statue-base.
- Location:
- Küçük Boruk (Yenikuyu) (Perta): in a street.
- Description:
- Octagonal column of bluish marble, with dowel hole on upper surface for attachment of a moulded coping or capital. On the face to the right of the inscribed face, incised cross.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.34; W. 0.56; Th. 0.58; letters 0.030-0.035.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/159).
- Publication:
- MAMA VIII 264.
- Date:
- c. AD 150-250.
ον ἥρω-
α υἱὸν hed.
ου Σε-
ος Ἐπα-
τος ἐ- hed.
κ τῶν ἰ-
δίων ἀν-
έστη- hed.
15 hed. σεν. hed.
Flavius Epaphrodeitos set up from his own resources (this statue of) Flavius Archelaos, deceased, the son of Flavius Seleukos.
This inscription was published in MAMA VIII 264 with the provenance Giymir. By the time that Ballance saw it in 1956, it had migrated some 8km north to Yenikuyu.
For the physical form and dimensions of this monument, see the commentary to MAMA XI 307 (1956/159a). If I have correctly dated these two bases to the late second or early third century AD (on the parallel of two similar monuments from Synnada), we should have to assume that the incised cross on our monument was a later addition.
For the name Σέλευκος at Perta, see the commentary to MAMA XI 309 (1956/169).