MAMA XI 370 (Southern Lykaonia) 
Inscription mentioning P. Futius Priscus
- Type of monument:
- Uncertain.
- Location:
- Losta (Akarköy) (Southern Lykaonia): in a yard, said to have been dug up locally.
- Description:
- Blue marble architrave and frieze block, with mouldings on front and at l., broken r. Upper moulding defaced.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.44; W. 1.00+; Th. 0.72; letters 0.0125.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photograph (1957/77=5873).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
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Ποπλίου Φουτίου Πρείσκου.
...Publius Futius Priscus.
I assume that the inscription began on the defaced upper moulding. The nomen Futius is extremely rare: in Asia Minor it is otherwise only attested at Ikonion, on two sarcophagi now in the Konya museum, both probably of the late second or early third century (see the commentary to MAMA XI 188 [1955/9: Synnada]): (1) Futia Aelia Domnilla: Özgan 2003: 47-51, Kat. 14; SEG 50, 1358bis; I.Konya 182; (2) Futius Aelius Martyris: SEG 15, 819; I.Konya 183. It seems likely that the presence of this rare nomen in Lykaonia goes back to the Augustan colony at Ikonion: see the discussion of rare nomina at Ikonion by Mitchell 1979a:418-23.