MAMA XI 373 (Southern Lykaonia) 
Statuette of Asklepios
- Type of monument:
- Statuette of Asklepios.
- Location:
- Kasaba (Kazımkarabekir) (Southern Lykaonia): in the village çayhane; said to have been found recently at the höyük by the village.
- Description:
- Greyish-white marble statuette, complete. Male bearded figure, standing, with long hair tied back with a taenia; wears toga slung over l. shoulder. In l. hand, snake; in r. hand, patera.
- Dimensions:
Ht. 0.59; W. 0.18; Th. 0.19.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; photographs (1957/72=5863-7).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
For Asklepios in this region, cf. MAMA XI 366 (1956/192: Komitanassos).