MAMA XI 122 (Akmoneia) 
Funerary bomos of Aur. Julia and family, Christians
- Type of monument:
- Funerary bomos.
- Location:
- Kızılcasöğüt (Akmoneia): in the courtyard of the mosque.
- Description:
- White marble bomos. On the left side, raised hand supporting scroll; on the back, raised hand gripping a wreath. Line 1 of inscription on fascia of moulding, remainder on shaft.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.66; W. 0.36 (top), 0.30-0.33 (shaft), 0.40 (base); Th. 0.36 (top), 0.30-0.32 (shaft), 0.40 (base); letters 0.024-0.026.
- Record:
- Squeeze; line drawing; MB notebook copy (1956/41).
- Publication:
- Gibson 1978: 103-4, no. 32; (SEG 28, 1082; Tabbernee 1997: 170-3, no. 21).
- Date:
- AD 253/4 (Year 338 of Sullan era)
hed. ἔτ[ο]υς · τλη´
Αὐρ(ηλία) Ἰο̣υ̣[λία] τ̣ῷ
π[ατρὶ (?) Αὐρ(ηλίῳ) Ἰου]λ̣-
ί̣ῳ̣ [καὶ τῇ μητρ]ὶ Βε-
5ρονεικιαν[ῇ] καὶ
τῷ γλυκυτάτῳ
μου · τέκνῳ Σεβή-
ρῳ · καὶ Μουνδάνῃ
νύμφῃ μνήμης χά-
10ριν · Χρειστιανοί ·
Line 1: ταπ΄ Gibson; τλ̣η̣΄ Rigsby 1981: 93-4.
Lines 3-4: πατ[ρὶ - - -]Α|ΤΟ [καὶ τῇ μητρὶ] Gibson.
Year 338. Aur(elia) Julia, for her father Aur(elius) Julius and her mother Beroneikiane and my sweetest child Severus and my daughter-in-law Moundane, in memoriam. Christians.
For full bibliography on this inscription and its possible significance for the development of Phrygian Montanism, see Tabbernee 1997: 170-3. For the single word 'Christians' in line 10, compare MAMA XI 164 (1956/10: Kidyessos).