MAMA XI 309 (Perta) 
Building inscription of temple of the imperial cult
- Type of monument:
- Building inscription.
- Location:
- Hacınuman (Perta): in the wall of a house.
- Description:
- Fragment of white marble architrave with projecting upper fascia; broken right, left and above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.35+; W. 0.53+; Th. 0.35; letters 0.070-0.075.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/169).
- Publication:
- Mitchell 1993: I 96, n.178; (SEG 43, 992).
- Date:
- AD 117-138.
a b c
[ὑπὲρ τῆς τοῦ Αὐ]τοκράτορ[ος Καίσαρ]ος Τραια[νοῦ] Ἁδριανοῦ αἰ[ωνίου διαμονῆς]
[- - - - - - - (?)Δι]οκλῆς Σε[- - - - ἱ]ερεὺς Διὸ[ς καὶ] πρόβουλο[ς - - - - - - - - - - - -]
[- - - - - - - - - -] εἰς κατασ[κευὴν] τοῦ τε ν[αοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἀγάλματος τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ (?)]
[For the] et[ernal well-being] of Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus..., ...okles Se..., priest of Zeus and proboulos... for the construction of the t[emple and ?the statue of Augustus.]
As noted by Mitchell (Mitchell 1993: I 96, n.178), two other fragments (b and c) of this architrave are known. Fragment c was copied at Asarcık/Giymir by Sarre 1896: 32, no. 12, and subsequently by Ramsay (Callander and Ramsay 1909: 7-8); Ballance saw it in the cemetery at Giymir in 1956, but took no photograph or squeeze. Fragment b was copied at Obruk Han by Zimmerer (Oberhummer and Zimmerer 1899: 303-10, no. 16 [non uidi]) and subsequently by Calder (MAMA VIII 259, with Pl. 14); it was still visible in March 2011 (see photo below). Fragments b and c were first connected by Robert, Hellenica XIII, 62-4; the three fragments were published together by Mitchell as above.
The absence of Σεβαστοῦ after Ἁδριανοῦ is surprising, but it is hard to see how else to restore the first line of the inscription. The name Διοκλῆς (line 2) is attested on a handful of occasions in Lykaonia (Laminger-Pascher 1992: 71, no. 67 [Arıkören]; MAMA I 189 [Kadınhanı]), but we might prefer to restore the name [Πατρ]οκλῆς, which is known to have been held by two high-status individuals in this region (SEG 6, 392, an Ikonian bouleutes; Calder 1911: 213-4, no. 67, a slave-owner near Laodikeia). For the patronym which follows, the name Σε[λεύκου] would fit the lacuna, and was common at Perta and neighbouring cities: cf. MAMA XI 306 (1956/159: Giymir, later Yenikuyu); 322 (1956/172: Giymir); 323 (1956/174: Giymir); 353 (1956/187: Akörenkışla); 68 (1956/193: Dayıkuyusu); the addressee of Amphilochios’ Iambi ad Seleucum was presumably a native of Ikonion. For other cults of Zeus on the territory of Perta, cf. MAMA XI 313 (1956/142: Zeus Megistos); 312 (1956/182: Zeus Akouseos); 368 (1956/193: Zeus Stratios Megistos); Anderson 1899: 281, no. 165 (Zeus Zemroutenos). The votive bomos MAMA I 4 (Laminger-Pascher 1984: 107-10, no. 170: Zıvarık) appears to be a dedication to Zeus, but the text is very uncertain. On the office of πρόβουλος, see Robert, Hellenica XIII, 63-4.
The building constructed by ...okles Se... was almost certainly a civic temple of the imperial cult; cf. MAMA VIII 211 (temple of the imperial cult at Kana under Trajan: for the date, Mitchell 1993: I 97 n.185); MAMA XI 345 (1956/194: imperial cult at Savatra).