MAMA XI 323 (Perta) 
Funerary stele of Seleukos and Tata
- Type of monument:
- Funerary stele.
- Location:
- Giymir (Perta): in the wall of a house.
- Description:
- Marble stele with inscription in inset panel. Broken above and below.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.27+; W. 0.48 (panel 0.30); Th. --; letters 0.025-0.028.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/174).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Βαβεις Ποσι-
δωνίου Πασι-
κράτου Σελεύ-
κῳ ὑῷ καὶ Τα-
5τᾳ ἐγγόνῃ μνή-
μ̣η̣ς̣ χ̣άριν.
Babeis, daughter of Posidonios, grand-daughter of Pasikrates, for her son Seleukos and her granddaughter Tata, in memoriam.
For the female name Βαβεις, see Zgusta 1964: 115-6 §133-15, and cf. MAMA XI 219 (1954/32: Yukarı Küçükhasan). The name Pasikrates was common at Perta: see MAMA XI 320 (1956/176: Giymir); MAMA VIII 273-4 (Obruk Han), 275 (Giymir), and cf. MAMA XI 294 (1957/47, Tatlıkuyu [Akbaş]: territory of Ikonion). For the name Seleukos at Perta, see the commentary to MAMA XI 309 (1956/169).