MAMA XI 64 (Dionysopolis) 
Prayer to Lord for help
- Type of monument:
- Prayer to Lord for help.
- Location:
- At Durhanlı Havuzu, 6km from Bekilli, about 1.5km south of the main road, between it and Süller (Dionysopolis).
- Description:
- Block of poor greenish-grey marble, largely unworked; buried below.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.00+; W. 0.54; Th. 0.18; letters 0.020-0.040.
- Record:
- Squeeze; MB notebook description (1956/77).
- Publication:
- Ramsay, Phrygia II 540, no. 402.
- Date:
- Fourth to sixth century AD?
(On front)
Κ(ύρι)ε βωίθι τῷ
πρ(εσβυτέρῳ) Λέων(τι) τ(ῷ) ΑΝΑΚ̣ .
(On front, inscribed vertically to the left of lines 1-2)
(On right-hand side)
5† . .ΩΛΑ δραμὼν οὐδὲν εοὗρον ἐν βιό[τ]ῳ
Line 2: Λεωντανα Κυρ[ιακοῦ?] R(amsay).
Lines 3-5: ‘I can read nothing but δραμὼν οὐδὲν σουρον (σῶφρον? εὗρον?) ἐν βιό[τ]ῳ and perhaps κελυσυντισικονος (κέλευσιν τῆς εἰκόνος?)’ R.
Lord, save the pr(esbyter) Leo... running, I found nothing in life...
Ramsay’s readings seem to have been broadly accurate, although he does not indicate the repetition of the sequence ΚΕΛΥΣΥΝΤΙΣΙΚΟΝΟΣ on the front and right faces of the stone. At the end of line 2, the letters ΑΝΑ are clear, with two (or three?) illegible letters following: this could be the beginning of a patronym (Ἀναν̣ί̣α̣?) or a moral quality (ἀναξ̣ί̣(ῳ)?).
I do not understand the sequence of letters in lines 3 and 4, and cannot explain the repetition. Ramsay may well have been right to take the last nine letters of line 3 as representing τῖς ἰκόνος (τῆς εἰκόνος). For δράμων in line 5, compare perhaps RECAM II 466 (Tavium): ἐνθάδε ἀναπαύετε ἀνεσέως τόπον εὕρων τοῖς ἀποστόλοις προσδράμων.