MAMA XI 82 (Sebaste) 
Funerary doorstone of Heliades, Christian
- Type of monument:
- Funerary doorstone.
- Location:
- Kırka (Sebaste): in a fountain by the mosque.
- Description:
- Upper part of doorstone, broken below. Single door, with upper pair of panels visible; right panel blank; in left panel, uncertain object. Pilasters to left and right with leaf-design and plain capitals. Pediment with rounded boss in centre; inscription on the upper frame of the pediment, continuing onto the lower frame.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.46+; W. 0.54; Th. --; letters 0.023-0.030.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/39).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Third century AD.
[Ἀ]ρ̣τεμίδ[ωρ]ος̣ Ἡλιάδῃ Χρισ|τιανῷ
Artemidoros, for Heliades, a Christian.
For the name Heliades, compare Ramsay, Phrygia II 614, no. 523 (Akmoneia); MAMA V 25 (Dorylaion). For another third-century funerary monument from the territory of Sebaste designating the deceased as ‘Christian’, compare MAMA XI 85 (1956/44); see also 122 (1956/41: Akmoneia: Kızılcasöğüt); Tabbernee 1997: 174-6, no. 22 (Akmoneia: Ahat). In the absence of any close parallels in the region for the doorstone-type, the precise date of this monument is uncertain; the decoration is quite unlike that of the distinctive group of early third-century Christian doorstones from Temenouthyrai discussed by Drew-Bear 1979: 299-302; Waelkens 1986: 146-50, nos. 366-7, 372-5.