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Fragment of a building inscription

Type of monument:
Fragment of building inscription.
Süğlün (Prymnessos): in the doorway of a house.
Fragment of white marble architrave, buried above, broken left, right, above and behind.
Ht. 0.26+; W. 0.56+; Th. 0.38+; letters 0.060.
Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1955/72).
Second or third century AD.

[- - -]ΝΤΩ[- - -]

This architrave may well originally have carried the name of an Antonine emperor ([Ἀ]ντω[νειν-]). I am unable to locate any further published fragments of this monument. Another fragmentary architrave block from Süğlün, carrying the letters ΟΚΡΑΤ, was published by Hamilton 1842: II 436, no. 174 (CIG III 3882 h, Addenda, p.1101). However, the two fragments do not derive from the same monument: Hamilton’s fragment was rediscovered by Buckler, Calder and Guthrie in 1929, and republished (without reference to Hamilton or CIG) in MAMA IV 12 ([Αὐτ]οκράτο[ρα . . .]), with a photo that makes it clear that the lettering of the two fragments is quite different.


MAMA XI 175 (Prymnessos 1: 1955-72)

MAMA XI 175 (Prymnessos 1: 1955-72)

Line drawing of MAMA XI 175 (Prymnessos 1: 1955-72)

Line drawing of MAMA XI 175 (Prymnessos 1: 1955-72)