MAMA XI 182 (Synnada)
Fragment of private inscription of uncertain type
- Type of monument:
- Uncertain.
- Location:
- Şuhut (Synnada): in a fountain near the mound.
- Description:
- Marble block, moulded above, buried below, left and right.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.43+; W. 1.48+; Th. --; letters 0.050-0.080.
- Record:
- MB notebook copy; drawing; photograph (1955/4).
- Publication:
- Körte 1897: 30, no. 4; Ramsay 1941: 255-6, no. 249.
- Date:
- Late second or third century AD.
Αὐρρ(ηλίων) Σάγκτου καὶ Πεισω[- -]
...of Aur(elius) Sanctus and Aur(elius/ia) Piso[- -] .
Körte restored Πείσω[νος] at the end of the line; Ramsay preferred Πεισω[νιανῆς ? μνῆμα]. The abbreviation Αὐρρ. (i.e. Αὐρ(ηλίων)), like the equally common Σεββ. (i.e. Σεβ(αστοί)), is an imitation of Latin documentary practice. Compare e.g. Robert, Hellenica X, 85 (Nakoleia); SEG 40, 1251 (Phrygia: unknown provenance); MAMA I 199; MAMA I 270. An Αὐρήλιος Σάγκτος, possibly a relative, was responsible for setting up a statue of Caracalla at Prymnessos in AD 198 (MAMA IV 11). The genealogy proposed by Ramsay 1941: 254-6 is wholly fanciful.