MAMA XI 221 (Axylon) 
Funerary doorstone for Nana
- Type of monument:
- Funerary doorstone.
- Location:
- Yukarıaliçomak (Axylon): not recorded.
- Description:
- Doorstone, buried below. Single door with gabled pediment, acroteria and leaves above. In the panels, door-knocker (top left), lock-plate (top right), basket (bottom left), bunch of grapes (bottom right). On the left-hand border, spindle and distaff; on the right-hand border, cymbals (?) and brush (?).
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.80+; W. 0.65; Th. 0.26; letters 0.025-0.035.
- Record:
- WMC notebook copy (1954/37).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Second or third century AD.
Πάμφιλος γυναικὶ Να-
νᾳ μνήμης ἕνεκεν.
Pamphilos for his wife Nana, in memoriam.
For the objects depicted in relief on the right-hand border, see the commentary to MAMA XI 220 (1954/36). For the name Nana, see MAMA XI 209 (1954/73: Azak [Hodoğlu]).